Campaign with us

On this page you will find downloadable visual assets for you to help spread the word on social media and with your favourite chefs and restaurants.

Support us on social media

1. Download and share one of the social media tiles below to pledge your commitment to keep open-net farmed salmon off the table. Don’t forget to tag your favourite chef or restaurant and we’ll get a message out to them to join the campaign!

Here’s our suggested message to get you started:

I’ve taken farmed salmon #Offthetable


Find out more: @offthetable_uk

Instagram tiles

Right-click images to download.

Facebook/Twitter tiles

Off the Table Facebook/Twitter Pledge
Off the Table Facebook/Twitter Pledge
Off the Table Facebook/Twitter Pledge

Right-click images to download.

2. Help us spread the word on social media. Download the social media tiles and post them to your profile telling your followers why farmed salmon is an unsustainable menu choice. For help writing your post visit Get the facts.

Don’t forget to tag @offthetable_uk and at least one chef or restaurant in your post.

Instagram tiles

Off the Table Instagram tile
Off the Table Instagram tile

Right-click images to download.

Twitter/Facebook tiles

Off the Table Twitter/Facebook tile
Off the Table Twitter/Facebook tile

Right-click images to download.

Share our flyer

We’ve created a flyer that explains why farmed salmon is an unsustainable menu choice.

Download the flyer and share it with your favourite chef, local restaurant and your friends and family.

Donate today

We are funded entirely by the generosity of our supporters. Please consider donating today to fund the work we do to protect wild fish and their waters. Your donation will fund WildFish and the Off the table campaign.

Please use the content respectfully. For full terms and conditions please visit the WildFish Privacy Policy.

Get Involved

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